If you weren’t one of the tens of thousands of people who saw Taylor Swift in concert in the past year, we have some good and bad news for you. The bad news is that the 29-year-old singer’s Reputation Stadium Tour already ended. (She held her last show in Tokyo, Japan in November). The good news is that the “Look What You Made Me Do” artist is airing her concert—in full—on Netflix on New Year’s Eve. Which brings us to our next question: What were the best moments from Taylor Swift’s Reputation tour?
Even Swift’s most loyal fans can’t attend each and every concert (she had more than 50!), which means that there have been countless moments that never made front-page news. Fortunately, with the assistance of cameras and eagle-eyed fans, these moments live on on the internet. So to celebrate the end of the “Delicate” singer’s Reputation era and prepare ourselves for her Netflix special in the coming weeks, we’ve looked back at 13 can’t-miss moments from Swift’s Reputation Stadium Tour. Check out the 13 most memorable moments from Swift’s Reputation tour, from emotional speeches and even more emotional reunions to wardrobe malfunctions and stage snafus (like the time she was almost hit by a bird).
Shading Kim Kardashian and Kanye West at Her First Show
Swift kicked off her first Reputation show in Glendale, Arizona, in November 2017 with a bang when she not-so-subtly shaded her celebrity nemeses Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, with a speech about why there were so many snakes at her show. (As many remember, Kardashian called Swift a snake after their feud over Kanye West’s “Famous” and whether or not Swift listened to it beforehand. The animal has since become a symbol for Swift’s Reputation era.)
“A couple of years ago, someone called me a snake on social media and it caught on. Then a lot of people were calling me a lot of things on social media, and I went through some really low times for a while because of it,” Swift said. “I went through some times when I didn’t know if I was going to get to do this anymore.” “I guess this means I wanted to send a message to you guys that if someone uses name calling to bully you on social media, and even if a lot of people jump on board with it, that doesn’t have to defeat you. It can strengthen you instead.”
https://twitter.com/Xpose/status/994084913157636096Her Speech About Her Sexual Assault Case
At her show in Tampa, Florida, in August, Swift made a rare speech about her 2017 sexual assault case against Colorado DJ David Mueller. Mueller sued Swift after he was fired following claims she made about him lifting her skirt and groping her at a 2013 meet-and-greet. The Tampa show was the one-year anniversary of Swift winning the case. After her win, Swift countersued Mueller for a symbolic one dollar, which she was awarded.
“I guess I just think about all the people that weren’t believed and people who haven’t been believed and the people who are afraid to speak up because they think they won’t be believed,” Swift said. “And I just wanted to say that I’m sorry to anyone who ever wasn’t believed because I don’t know what turn my life would take if people didn’t believe me when I said that something had happened to me. And so I guess I just wanted to say that we have so, so, so much further to go, and I’m so grateful to you guys for being there for me during what was a really, really horrible part of my life.”
https://twitter.com/natnieIs/status/1029564991102443520Throwing a Used Tissue into the Crowd
Fans at Swift’s Auckland, New Zealand, show in November received a surprise when the singer, who was battling a cold at the time, blew her nose and threw the used tissue into the crowd. “This isn’t our first rain show,” Swift told the crowd. “So, I’m not saying that I’m getting colds because we’re constantly playing in the rain, but I’m not not saying that I’m always getting colds because we’re playing in the rain. But it’s worth it because it’s so fun, right?”
https://twitter.com/scammerswift/status/1019492645662408704Dedicating “Delicate” to Her Boyfriend Joe Alwyn
Since they started dating two years ago, Swift has kept her relationship with Joe Alwyn private, which is why fans were surprised to hear the singer dedicate the song “Gorgeous,” in which she waxes poetic about her British boyfriend’s looks, at her Glendale, Arizona, show in May. Swift even pointed out Alwyn who was standing in the venue’s VIP area.
Fans Proposing in Front of Her
After her concert in Philadelphia in July, Swift was surprised with an engagement between two fans. The engagement happened backstage at Swift’s Rep Room meet-and-greet. “They walk into the meet and greet and he says “We met 5 years ago at the Red Tour” and then….. #thirdwheel” Swift captioned the Instagram of a picture of a fan proposing to his now-fiancé.
Calling National Snake Day Her “Favorite Day”
On the two-year anniversary of Kardashian exposing Swift on her Snapchat (and accusing her of lying about her knowledge of West’s song “Famous”), Swift celebrated in the only way she knew how: by dubbing the day her “favorite day.” The day also happened to be National Snake Day. “Happy National Snake Day! My favorite day of the year,” Swift said at her Cleveland concert in June.
https://twitter.com/Adaxbi/status/1019440574116630528Almost Getting Hit by a Bird
Swift is no stranger to having fans crash her stage, but at her concert in Louisville, Kentucky, in July, the singer was met with an unwelcome surprise when a bird almost hit her on stage. Fortunately, she dodged right on time.
https://twitter.com/dallas_dante/status/1013296149619531776Getting Stranded Midair
Everyone has stage malfunctions, even Swift. At her concert in Philadelphia in July, the singer was stranded midair when the basket that was supposed to carry her across the stadium stopped working. “I’m pretty sure I’m stuck up here. It’s a nice view, though,” Swift said. “So what you just saw was me going like straight up and down in this sparkly basket. It’s supposed to take me to the other side of the stadium. So what happens now is basically I’m just chilling waiting to figure out what happens next.”
https://twitter.com/Taylor_SlaysAll/status/1018364670644715522Her On-Stage Wardrobe Malfunction
Even the best of us have wardrobe malfunctions. Swift experienced a snag with her wardrobe at a concert in Australia in October. The malfunction happened when Swift was transitioning between songs and realized that the zipper on her bodysuit was zipped all the way down. She mouthed a big “Oops!” before zipping it back up and moving on.
https://twitter.com/styIeswift/status/1055112883883909121Reuniting with Karlie Kloss
Swift and Karlie Kloss put an end to years-long rumors that they were feuding and no longer friends at her show in Nashville in August. The model surprised fans by not only attending the show but taking a selfie with Swift backstage, confirming that #Kayloe is still alive and well. “No one puts on a show like @taylorswift #ReputationTour Nashville was out of this world, I am SO proud of you
,” Kloss wrote on Instagram.
Falling Hard on Stage
What is a tour-moments roundup without a fall? Swift’s fall came when she performed in the rain in East Rutherford, New Jersey, in July. Video of the moment shows Swift dancing across the water-soaked stage when she slips and falls on her behind. Fortunately, she laughed it off as her backup dancer helped her back up.
https://twitter.com/tracesofswift/status/1021236628449374215Her Emotional “All Too Well” Speech
At each concert on her Reputation Stadium Tour, Swift sang a past song as a treat for fans. At a concert in Chicago in August, the singer sang “All Too Well,” a fan-favorite song from her 2012 Red album, which is widely believed to be about her heartbreak with Jake Gyllenhaal. At her Chicago concert, Swift gave an emotional speech about how the song used to make her sad to sing but no longer does.
“Now, I play it and I think of the times I’ve played it in a stadium or an arena or my living room with you guys screaming the words back to me. And so it changed it, and I wanted to thank you for changing it, because it’s kind of nice to sing a song that you’re proud of, but not feel pain while you sing it. It’s very nice,” she said. The moment might not have been at a Reputation show, but it was definitely a memorable moment from the album’s era for longtime fans.
Singing Her Song “Tim McGraw” with Tim McGraw
Longtime fans of Swift will recognize “Tim McGraw,” her very first single in 2006. Fast forward to her show in Nashville in August and the singer sang the song in front of a crowd of thousands with none other than Tim McGraw himself and his wife, Faith Hill.
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